The Pastor's Desk
Msgr. Gray has posted the materials from his homily of January 28-29, 2012, under the "Pastor's Column."
| Link to the parish website for information about Mass schedules, sacraments, and parish ministries.
| | Link to the school website for information about our K-8 Catholic Grade School.
| | Read the letter from Msgr. Gray that appears in the bulletin. Current and previous letters are available.
| | View past parish bulletins on-line.
| | See pictures from the recent groundbreaking for the Renewing All Things in Christ building project for the parish and school.
| | See pictures from the renovation and construction of our parish and school for the Renewing All Things in Christ project.
| | Hear Msgr. Livingston's 1994 explanation of the architecture of our church built in 1977.
| | Historical Information about the Parish in preparation for the celebration of the parish's 50th anniversary.
Send an e-mail to Monsignor Jason Gray at jgray@jgray.org.