Scriptural Study of the
Revelation Bible Study

A Catholic Study of the book of Revelation
Held at St. Vincent de Paul Church, Peoria, Illinois

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Introductory references

Preterist, Historicist, Futurist, Spiritualist methods of interpretation

Liturgical Themes, Biblical Themes, Paschal Mystery Themes

Rom 2:5-10 (Blessings and Curses, Revelation)
Rev 11:1, 8 (Mesauring the temple and Jerusalem where the Lord was crucified)
Mt 23-24, esp. Mt 23:34-36 and Mt 24:1-3 and Mt 24:34-35 (Little apocalypse of Matthew)
Num 32:13 (Forty year generation)
Mt 27:24-25 (This generation to pay)
Jn 19:12-15 (Caesar as King)
Mk 9:1 (Coming of the Lord in this generation)
1 Cor 2:6-10 (The age)
1 Cor 10:1-12 (The end of the ages)
Eph 2:4-7 (The ages to come)
Eph 3:8-10 (The mystery hidden for the ages)
Gal 6:16 (Israel of God)
Rev 2:9 (Synagogue of Satan)
Dt 27-30 (Blessings and curses of the covenant)