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Primary Sources

Code of Canon Law, Latin-English Edition: New English Translation.   Washington, DC: Canon Law Society of America, 1998.

Codex Iuris Canonici auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatus.  Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1983.

Codex Iuris Canonici Pii X Pontificis Maximi iussu digestus Benedicti Papae XV auctoritate promulgatus.  Rome: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1917.

John Paul II.  Apostolic Letter Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela, 30 April 2001.  Acta Apostolica Sedis (AAS) 93 (2001) 737-739.

Paul VI.  Motu Proprio Ecclesiae Sanctae, 6 August 1966.  AAS 58 (1966) 757-787.

Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.  Instruction Dignitas Conubii.  Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2005.

Sacred Congregation of the Consistory.  Decree Maxima Cura, 20 August 1910.  AAS 2 (1910) 636-648.

Vatican Council II.  Decree Christus Dominus, 28 October 1965.  AAS 58 (1966) 673-696.

__________.  Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, 21 November 1964.  AAS 62 (1965) 1-67.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  Decree Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Policies Dealing with Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests or Deacons, 5 May 2006.  Washington, DC:  USCCB, 2006.

Secondary Sources

Beal, John P., Coriden, James A., Green, Thomas J., eds.  New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law (hereafter New Commentary) .  New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2000.

Coccopalmerio, Francesco.  “De Causis ad Amotionem Parochorum Requisitis.”  Periodica 75 (1986) 273-302.

__________.  De Paroecia.  Rome: Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 1991.

Coriden, James A., Green, Thomas J., Heintschel, Donald E., eds.  The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary (hereafter Text and Commentary).  New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1985.

Cox, Craig A.  “The Contentious Trial (cc. 1501-1670).”  In New Commentary, ed. John P. Beal et al., 1655-1759.

Cusack, Barbara Anne.  “The Internal Ordering of Particular Churches (cc. 460-572).”  In New Commentary, ed. John P. Beal et al., 610-740.

Daneels, Frans.  “The Removal or Transfer of a Pastor in the Light of the Jurisprudence of the Apostolic Signatura.”  Forum 8:2 (1997) 295-301.

de Sancristóval y Murúa, M.  “El ‘Odium Plebis’ como Causa de Remoción del Parroco.”  Ius Canonicum 1 (1961) 351-414.

Grocholewski, Zenon.  “Trasferimento e rimozione del parroco.”  In La Parrocchia.  Studi Giuridici, vol. 43, 199-247.  Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1997.

Janicki, Joseph A.  “Chapter VI:  Parishes, Pastors, and Parochial Vicars (cc. 515-552).”  In Text and Commentary, ed. James A. Coriden et al., 414-440.

Marzoa, Ángel.  “Sectio II:  De procedura in parochis amovendis vel transferendis (cc. 1740-1752).”  In Exegetical Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, ed. Ángel Marzoa, Jorge Miras, and Rafael Rodríguez-Ocaña, IV/2:2099-2148.  Chicago: Midwest Theological Forum, 2004.

Moreno, José María Díaz.  “Derechos de los fieles y vida parroquial.”  In La Parroquia desde el Nuevo Derecho Canonico, ed. Julio Manzanares, 117-160.  Salamanca:  Universidad Pontificia, 1991.

Morgante, Marcello.  La Parrocchia nel Codice del Diritto Canonico:  Commento giuridico-pastorale.  Milan: Edizione Pauline, 1985.

Paprocki, Thomas J.  “The Method of Proceeding in Administrative Recourse and in the Removal or Transfer of Pastors (cc. 1732-1752).”  In New Commentary, ed. John P. Beal et al., 1818-1852.

Parizek, James F.  “Section II:  Procedure in Removal and Transfer of Pastors (cc. 1740-1752).”  In Text and Commentary, ed. James A. Coriden et al., 1035-1045.

Romita, Florentius.  “De Parochorum Amotione, Translatione et Renuntiatione juxta Vaticanum II.”  Monitor Ecclesiasticus 94 (1969) 430-450.

Sweeney, Edward A.  The Obligations and Rights of the Pastor of a Parish According to the Code of Canon Law.  Ottawa: Alba House, 2002.

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