JCL Comprehensive Exam References
Review questions for JCL Comprehensive Exam
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Book V - Temporal Goods of the Church (cc. 1254-1258)
- What may the Catholic Church do by innate right with temporal goods independent from civil power (c. 1254 §1)?
- What are the purposes for which the Church uses temporal goods (c. 1254 §2)?
- What are bona ecclesiastica (c. 1257 §1)?
- By what laws are bona ecclesiastica governed (c. 1257 §1)?
- By what laws are temporal goods that are not bona ecclesiastica governed (c. 1257 §2)?
Title I - The Acquisition of Goods (cc. 1259-1272)
- What must a diocesan bishop do to impose a tax and who is subject to the tax (c. 1263)?
- Who establishes the fees for acts of executive power and the limits for offerings for sacraments and sacramentals (c. 1264)? What is the one exception to this law (c. 952)?
- What must a diocesan bishop do to order a special collection? Where may he order a special collection be taken up (c. 1266)?
- Under what circumstances can an administrator refuse an offering? Under what circumstances must an administrator have the permission of the ordinary to accept an offering (c. 1267 §2)?
Title II - The Administration of Goods (cc. 1273-1289)
- What role does the Roman Pontiff exercise with respect to ecclesiastical goods (c. 1273)?
- Give some reasons why the diocesan bishop is not the administrator of the temporal goods of all juridic persons in his diocese (cc. 1276 §1, 1279 §1, and 1287 §1).
- Under what circumstances must a diocesan bishop hear his finance council and college of consultors with respect to certain acts of administration? Under what circumstances must a diocesan bishop obtain the consent of his finance council and college of consultors (c. 1277)?
- Who is the administrator of the ecclesiastical goods of a juridic person (c. 1279 §1)?
- Who assists the administrator of a juridic person in fulfilling his function (c. 1280)?
- How are acts of extraordinary administration defined for a juridic person (c. 1281 §2)?
- What is required to validly place an act of extraordinary administration (c. 1281 §1)?
- What is the difference between an administrative act (as described in Book I) and an act of administration (as described in Book V)?
- Name some of the things an administrator is bound to do (cc. 1283 and 1284).
- What civil laws must an administrator observe (c. 1286)? What civil actions may an administrator not undertake without written permission of the ordinary (c. 1288)?
Title III - Contracts and Especially Alienation (cc. 1290-1298)
- How does alienation differ from administration?
- What is the stable patrimony of a juridic person (c. 1291)?
- Who must give consent for the alienation of ecclesiastical goods, depending on the value of the asset to be alienated (c. 1292 §§1 and 2)?
- What other requirements must be met for a licit act of alienation (c. 1293)?
- What rules must be observed in any transaction that can worsen the patrimonial condition of the juridic person (c. 1295)?
Title IV - Pious Wills in General and Pious Foundations (cc. 1299-1310)
- What is a pious cause?
- What are pious causes inter vivos and mortis causa (cc. 1299-1301)?
- What are the two types of pious foundations (c. 1303)?
- Who has the power to reduce obligations of Masses or the other obligations of a pious cause (cc. 1308-1310)?