JCL Comprehensive Exam References
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Book IV - Sanctifying Function of the Church (cc. 834-839)
- What role do bishops, priests, deacons, and lay persons exercise in the sanctifying function of the Church (c. 835)?
- What authority is exercised by the Apostolic see with respect to liturgical books? What authority pertains to the conferences of bishops? What authority pertains to diocesan bishops with respect to liturgical norms (c. 838)
Part I - Sacraments (cc. 840-848)
- Who defines the requirements for the valid celebration of the sacraments? Who defines what pertains to their licit celebration (c. 841)?
- Sacred ministers cannot deny the sacraments to those who meet what three conditions (c. 843 §1)?
- Where can Latin rite Catholics licitly receive the sacraments (c. 844 §1)?
- Where can Eastern rite Catholics licitly receive the sacraments (c. 844 §1)?
- Where can any Catholic receive the sacraments when necessity requires it (c. 844 §2)?
- What sacraments can Catholic ministers administer to the Eastern Orthodox (c. 844 §3)?
- Under what circumstances can Catholic minister administer sacraments to other non-Catholic Christians (c. 844 §4)?
Title I - Baptism (cc. 849-878)
- How is baptism validly conferred (c. 849)?
- What preparation must precede the celebration of baptism for an adult (c. 851 1º)? For an infant (c. 851 2º)? For those who are non sui compos (c. 852 §2)?
- When can baptisms be celebrated? On what days is it recommended that a baptism be celebrated (c. 856)?
- Where is the proper place of baptism (c. 857 §1)? Under what circumstances can baptisms be celebrated in private houses or hospitals (c. 860)?
- Who is the ordinary minister of baptism? Who are the extraordinary ministers (c. 861)?
- At what age must adult baptisms be deferred to the diocesan bishop so he can administer baptism himself if he judges expedient (c. 863)?
- What is required for an adult to be baptized (c. 865 §1)?
- What is required for an adult who is in danger of death (c. 865 §2)?
- What is required for the licit baptism of an infant (c. 868 §1)?
- What is to be done when an infant is in danger of death (c. 867 §2 and 868 §2)?
- If there is a doubt about the baptism of a non-Catholic, what must be examined to determine if the baptism was valid (c. 869 §2)?
- What qualifications must a sponsor for baptism possess (c. 874 §1)? Can a baptized non-Catholic or a non-baptized person serve as a sponsor (c. 874 §2)?
Title II - Confirmation (cc. 879-896)
- What matter and form is required for the valid celebration of confirmation (c. 880)?
- Who is the ordinary minister of confirmation (c. 882)?
- Who is able to confirm in virtue of a special grant of the competent authority (c. 882)?
- Who possesses the faculty to confirm by the law (c. 883)?
- Can a bishop validly and licitly confirm Catholics from other dioceses (c. 886 §1)?
- Can a bishop validly and licitly celebrate a confirmation outside his own diocese (c. 886 §2)?
- If a presbyter has the faculty to confirm, can he validly and licitly confirm Catholics from other dioceses (c. 887)?
- Can a presbyter with the faculty to confirm validly and licitly celebrate a confirmation outside his territory (c. 887)?
Title III - Eucharist (cc. 897-958)
- Who celebrates the Eucharist validly and licitly (c. 900 §§1 and 2)?
- How often may a priest celebrate Mass (c. 905)?
- Who is the ordinary minister of holy communion (c. 910 §1)?
- Who are extraordinary ministers of holy communion (c. 910 §2)?
- What is required to administer holy communion to children (c. 913)?
- Who is not to be admitted to holy communion (c. 915)?
- Who is bound by the fast before communion, and who is not bound by the fast (c. 919)?
- With respect to the Eucharist, what acts are absolutely forbidden (nefas est) even in extreme urgent necessity (c. 927)?
- What provisions in the code govern tabernacles: How many tabernacles are allowed? Where is the tabernacle to be located? What is the tabernacle to be made of (c. 938)?
- Who defines the offering to be given for the celebration and application of Mass (c. 952 §1)?
- What is to be done when a donor offers a sum of money without indicating the number of Masses to be celebrated (c. 950)?
Title IV - Penance (cc. 959-997)
- What does it mean to say that only physical or moral impossibility excuses a person conscious of grave sin from making an individual and integral confession in order to be reconciled (c. 960)?
- When can a priest generally absolve many penitents without previous individual confession (c. 961 §1)? In what circumstances does the diocesan bishop judge whether the required conditions are present (c. 961 §2)?
- What is required for the valid absolution of sins (cc. 965 and 966)?
- Who has the faculty to hear confessions by the law itself, irrespective of whether the person possesses an office (c. 967 §1)?
- Who has the faculty to hear confessions in virtue of office (cc. 968 §§1 and 2, and 566 §1)?
- Who is the competent authority to grant the faculty to hear confessions (c. 969 §§1 and 2)?
- Where can a priest hear confessions by law if he holds the office of a) vicar general, b) episcopal vicar, c) pastor, or d) superior of a clerical religious institute of pontifical right (cc. 967 §§2 and 3, and 968 §§1 and 2)?
- Where can a priest hear confessions if he has the faculty by grant of the local ordinary of the place of incardination or the place of domicile (c. 967 §2)?
- Where can a priest hear confessions if he has the faculty by grant of a superior of a clerical religious institute of pontifical right (c. 967 §3, 968 §2, and 969 §2)?
- Suppose that a priest has been granted the faculty to hear confessions by the diocesan bishop of his diocese of incardination. What happens if the priest's own bishop revokes his faculty? What happens if a bishop of another diocese revokes the faculty (c. 974 §2)?
- Besides by revocation, in what other three ways can the faculty to hear confessions of all the faithful be lost (c. 975)?
- In what circumstance can a priest who does not have the faculty to hear confessions impart absolution validly (c. 976)?
- In what circumstance does a priest invalidly absolve a penitent even if he possesses the faculty to hear confessions (c. 977)?
- With respect to confession, what is absolutely forbidden (nefas est) for a confessor (c. 983 §1)?
- How often must a member of the faithful confess? Is every Catholic required to confess with this frequency (c. 989)?
- What is an indulgence (c. 992)?
Title V - Anointing of the Sick (cc. 998-1007)
- Who validly administers anointing of the sick (c. 1003 §§1 and 2)?
- Who may bless the oils used in the anointing (c. 999)?
- At what age may a sick child be anointed (cc. 1004 §1 and 1005)?
Title VI - Orders (cc. 1008-1054)
- What are the different orders within this sacrament (c. 1009)?
- Who is the minister of sacred ordination (c. 1012)? Who ordains a bishop (c. 1014)?
- What document calls a candidate to episcopal ordination (c. 1013)? What document calls a candidate to diaconal or priestly ordination (c. 1015 §§1 and 3)?
- Who can issue dimissorial letters for the ordination of a secular cleric (cc. 1015 §1, 1016, and 1018 §1)?
- Who can issue dimissorial letters for the ordination of a religious cleric (c. 1019 §1)?
- Who can receive ordination validly (c. 1024)?
- What is absolutely forbidden (nefas est) to do to a candidate for ordination (c. 1026)?
- Give some examples of other requirements for licit ordination (cc. 1025-1039, and 1050-1051). For example, describe what is required with respect to the candidate's training and education, his freedom, his retreat, prior sacraments and ministries that must be received, and documents that must be obtained.
- What is an irregularity and an impediment (c. 1040)?
- Give an example of an irregularity for receiving orders (c. 1041).
- Give an example of a simple impediment from receiving orders (c. 1042). How does this impediment cease?
- Give an example of an irregularity for which the dispensation is reserved to the Apostolic See and one which may be dispensed by the ordinary (c. 1047).
- What is the minimum age for a permanent deacon, a transitional deacon, a priest and a bishop (cc. 378 §1 3º, 1031 §§1 and 2)?
Title VII - Marriage (cc. 1055-1165)
- What are the two ends of marriage (c. 1055)?
- What are the essential properties of marriage (c. 1056)?
- What makes a marriage (c. 1057)?
- Who can contract marriage (c. 1058)?
- Give one consequence of the fact that marriage enjoys the favor of law (c. 1060).
- What is a ratum tantum marriage and a ratum et consummatum marriage? Is a ratum tantum marriage valid (c. 1061 §1)?
- What sacraments should a Catholic receive prior to receiving the sacrament of marriage (c. 1065 §§1 and 2)?
- Give a few examples of cases in which a minister is not to assist at a marriage without the permission of the local ordinary (c. 1071)?
- Broadly speaking, what are the three ways in which a marriage can be declared null. These are addressed in chapters III, IV, and V of this title.
- What is a diriment impediment (c. 1073)?
- Who can dispense from diriment impediments that are not reserved to the Apostolic See (c. 1078 §1)?
- Which impediments are reserved to the Apostolic See (c. 1078 §2)?
- What impediments are not dispensed? Which impediment does the code say is not dispensed (c. 1078 §3)? What other impediments are not dispensed because they are of divine law (c. 1084 §1, 1085 §1, and see also c. 1083)?
- Who is inhabilis of contracting marriage (c. 1073)? Who is incapax of contracting marriage (c. 1095)?
- What ages affect the valid celebration of marriage (c. 1083)?
- What effect does impotence and sterility have on the ability of a person to enter marriage (c. 1084)?
- Explain the impediments of consanguinity, affinity, public propriety, and adoption (cc. 1091-1094).
- Distinguish the three types of persons who are incapable of marrying in canon 1095.
- Of what must a person be ignorant to render a marriage invalid (c. 1096 §1)?
- Of what must a person be in error to render a marriage invalid (cc. 1097 §§1 and 2, and 1099)?
- Explain the difference between the grounds of error of quality of person and fraud (cc. 1097 §2 and 1098).
- Explain the difference between a determining error concerning indissolubility and simulation against permanence (cc. 1099 and 1101).
- Describe the act of the will on the part of the simulator that renders a marriage invalid using the terms: absolute, hypothetical, explicit, implicit, actual, virtual, habitual, interpretive, and/or a mere inclination (c. 1101).
- How does a condition placed by one of the parties affect the validity of a marriage (c. 1102)?
- How does force or fear render a marriage invalid (c. 1103)?
- What is required for the valid marriage of a Catholic according to canonical form (c. 1108 §1)?
- Who has the faculty to witness a marriage by office (cc. 1109 and 1110)?
- What form is necessary for a valid marriage between non-Catholics?
- What effect does the defection of a Catholic from the Church by a formal act have on a Catholic's ability to marry validly (cc. 1086 §1, 1117, 1124)?
- What is required for the local ordinary to grant a permission for mixed marriage (c. 1125)?
- What is the difference between the impediment of disparity of cult and the required permission for mixed marriage (cc. 1086 §1 and 1124)?
- Who can dispense the canonical form of marriage for a Catholic party? (c. 1127)
- Who can dissolve a marriage between two baptized persons that is ratum et consummatum (c. 1141)?
- Who can dissolve a non-consummated marriage (c. 1142)?
- What privilege is used to dissolve a marriage of two non-baptized persons (c. 1143 ff)?
- What privilege is used to dissolve a marriage of two persons, one of whom is baptized and one of whom is non-baptized (see c. 1150)?
- What is required of the parties for the convalidation of a marriage which is publicly known to be invalid (cc. 1157 and 1158 §1)?
- What is a radical sanation (c. 1161)?
- Who can grant a radical sanation (c. 1165)?
Part II - Other Acts of Divine Worship (cc. 1166-1204)
- Who has the authority to establish sacramentals (c. 1167 §1)?
- What differentiates deacons and presbyters with respect to their ability to impart blessings (c. 1169 §§2 and 3)?
- Who is obliged to pray the liturgy of the hours (c. 1174 §1)?
- Which persons who are not christifideles can be given an ecclesiastical funeral (cc. 1183)?
- Which persons must be denied an ecclesiastical funeral (c. 1184 §1)?
- What is absolutely forbidden (nefas est) with regards to sacred relics (c. 1190 §1)?
- What is a vow (c. 1191 §1)?
- What is an oath (c. 1199 §1)?
Part III - Sacred Places and Times (cc. 1205-1253)
- What are the different types of sacred places mentioned in the five chapters of this title?
- Who dedicates a sacred place (c. 1206)?
- Who can bless a church or another sacred place (c. 1207)?
- How does a sacred place lose its dedication or blessing (c. 1212)?
- What differentiates a church, an oratory, and a chapel (cc. 1214, 1223, and 1226)?
- Who must the diocesan bishop hear before giving permission for a new church to be built (c. 1215 §2)?
- What taxes can be imposed on those coming to a church for a sacred celebration (c. 1221)?
- Under what circumstances can a bishop relegate a church to sacred but not profane use (c. 1222 §§1 and 2)?
- What is a shrine (c. 1230)?
- Who approves the statutes of a diocesan, national, or international shrine (cc. 1231 and 1232 §1)?
- Who can dispense the obligation to observe a feast day or a day of penance (c. 1245)?
- What is the primordial holy day of obligation according to the apostolic tradition on which the paschal mystery must be celebrated (c. 1246 §1)?
- What authority can suppress holy days of obligation or transfer them to a Sunday (c. 1246 §2)?
- What days are prescribed by the code as days of fast or abstinence (c. 1251)?
- At what ages are Catholics bound by the laws of fast and abstinence (c. 1252)?