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Cause of the Venerable Servant of God Fulton Sheen
Curated by Monsignor Jason Gray of the Diocese of Peoria

Cause of Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Fulton Sheen on the Cross, presented at the Sheen Retreat Day, December 9, 2023

Book Study of St. Therese: A Treasured Love Story

Raymond Arroyo interviews Msgr. Jason Gray about Archbishop Sheen on the World Over, August 24, 2023

Msgr. Gray and Katie Bogner discuss Archbishop Fulton Sheen as part of the Pastoral Plan of Bishop Louis Tylka, July, 2023

Book Study of Treasure in Clay, the Autobiography of Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Drew Mariani interviews Msgr. Jason Gray about Archbishop Fulton Sheen on Relevant Radio, August 28, 2023

Presentation on the legacy of Archbishop Sheen to the Woodford County Historical Society, El Paso, Illinois, September 14, 2023